
Posts Tagged ‘sewing plans’

Just a quick post to say that I have been knitting, I promise. I just can’t find the cord for my camera, so I don’t have pictures to prove it. I found my knitting mojo over the weekend, as Shawn had to work and the only thing I had to do was laundry. So, the girls and I watched a few movies we had in the dvr queue, and my fingers found their knitting groove.  I am just about finished with the back of my St. Brigid, I have just a few rows to go to finish the last repeat. Once I get the back finished, I think I’ll use the same tactic that I used on Shawn’s sweater, and knit the sleeves before I knit the front. And, in my spare time I have been working out on my Wii Fit Plus, walking laps on the dock with one of the other girls in the office, and planning the fabric purchase for the wedding gowns. Oh, and I have been planning an outfit for the Old West Festival I just found out about. We can got this year, but not in costume as it’s too close to the wedding, and I’ll have enough sewing to do. But, it’s never too soon to start planning next years costume. Ok, back to debating if I want to brave the snow storm for lunch, or starve and knit instead.

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